May 8, 2023

Author: Yasmine Smit, Board

Do you want to develop your skills, expand your network and contribute to Young Rabo? Then we have good news! For 2023/2024 you can register for one of our committees. Curious about what being a committee member entails and for which roles we are still looking for members? Then read on.


Congress committee 2024!

We are looking for the new Congress committee 2024! The annual Young Rabo congress is thé event for and by Young Rabo members, which will be held in the second quarter of the year. The committee will be, among other things, responsible for the key theme, location and speakers.

  • 3-5 committee members
  • 1 chairperson
  • One congress for at least 100 YR members
  • A decent budget to spend

Would you like to be part of this awesome committee and organise this event together with three or four other Young Rabo members? Apply and show your interest via before the 25th of May!


Research Trip Committee 2023

Every year, the Research Trip Committee organizes one of the best trips you can take with your Young Rabo colleagues. With a committee of 5 people, you determine the goal of the trip and work out a cool destination with a corresponding theme. We have previously travelled to Canada, Kenya, Argentina and St. Louis America. In 2023 we will once again pack our bags. You organize this unforgettable trip for 40 Young Rabo members and ensure an inspiring program, a challenging theme, a stimulating personal development program and fun activities.

Since the committee already started in November, the location has already been determined. But don't worry, there's still plenty to do. We are therefore looking for a committee member who would like to organize a successful study trip!

Interested? Then sign up by sending a short motivation to before the 25th of May!

Young Rabo vacancies: apply here!