Nov 29, 2022
15:30 uur
Plein Rabobank Croeselaan, Utrecht
Cooperative Impact Committee

Doing good with your own cooking @ the Rabobank office!


Ever wondered, while strolling across plein how it would be like to cook at the Rabobank office? Well, we have an amazing opportunity for you and with your cooking enthusiasm you will also be able to support a very inspiring foundation as well!


On the 29th of November, the Cooperative Impact Committee will host a cooking class in collaboration with the inspiring Cosmoqueen Foundation. Cosmoqueen offers motivated people with a distance to the labor market a chance to work by training them in a specific skill. The work evolves around handcrafted beadings, shawls and recycled bags. For the ones that have a large learning distance, Cosmoqueen offers education in the textile industry.

All in all, Cosmoquen offers amazing work opportunities for those that face a lack of social acceptance and discrimination in their home country. The home countries of the cosmoqueens vary from Indonesia, Jordan and Cambodia. For our cooking workshop we will especially focus on dishes coming from one of these countries!

The excellent chefs from Eurest have created an amazing menu for us and they will guide us towards the best preparation during the cooking workshop. The chefs will thus provide you with tips and tricks during the workshop, off course there will also be drinks at your service catering for the best cooking experience.

Before we start cooking, Cosmoqueen will join us on the 29th and they will give an introduction on their cause and products. You will also have the chance to buy a beautiful handcrafted bag and by that simultaneously sponsoring an awe-inspiring cause!


The event will start at 15:30 and we will proceed the cooking at 16:00, whereafter we will all enjoy our Rabo homemade meal together!


So, be quick and sign up for this inspiring and tasty event!


We will ask a personal contribution of 5 euros. This money will be used to donate to Cosmoqueen.

Start: Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 3:30 PM
Organising committee: Cooperative Impact Committee
Sign up opens: Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 12:00 PM
Sign up closes: Monday, November 28, 2022 at 5:00 PM

Plein Rabobank Croeselaan - Croeselaan 18, 3521 CB Utrecht

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