27 jul. 2023
17:00 uur
Rabo Garden, Utrecht
Afterwork commissie

Summer drinks in the Rabo garden!


Lately we have surely all been looking out of the windows at the Croeselaan office at this beautiful sunny garden, unable to enjoy the sun or even open a window. Luckily this is about to change.. After Work is making use of this amazing location by hosting their own summer drinks in the garden on the 27th of July! Enjoy the biodiversity of the garden with a drink.


We will meet at the garden at 17 where the bar will be set-up with drinks, some nice summer tunes and we will even have snacks at our disposal. Need to say more? Well, this will go on for 2.5 hours. Around 19:30 the bar will be closed but for those not ready to go home, we can still have a drink in the Old Dutch or in the city.


To make this amazing sun glowing event possible we ask for a contribution of 10 EU per person, all the above is included in the price.  Be fast and secure your place at the bar in the garden!


See you “After Work”

Aanvang: donderdag 27 juli 2023 om 17:00
Organiserende commissie Afterwork commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: maandag 10 juli 2023 om 11:00
Inschrijven t/m: maandag 24 juli 2023 om 18:00

Rabo Garden - Croeselaan, Utrecht

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