14 mei 2020
Last year, we started onboarding young colleagues in the regions through a few pilots, e.g., in Singapore and Brazil. Great things take time. This is also applicable to the onboarding. We are facing challenges in this area, as the regions do not have the same legacy in the Netherlands with more than 20 years of Jong Rabo experience. Secondly, the distance between locations, cultures and the way people interact with each other differ from what is familiar to us in the Netherlands. A worldwide connection means facing all these challenges, but we are excited to meet and solve these challenges. Together, as one bank! We believe that with some customization here and there, we can expand our Jong Rabo network worldwide.
All young colleagues can benefit from personal development and can learn from each other, resulting in a significant contribution to the one bank perspective. Just now – during the Corona crisis – we all face a similar unpredictably: the virus which keeps us far away from our colleagues. Not only in the Netherlands, but also in the regional branches. The International Hub believes that now is the time to connect. Last week, we collaborated with the Innovation Committee. They organized a virtual quiz on Friday, which was an excellent opportunity for colleagues in the regions to see what Jong Rabo has to offer, and with success! On third of all the attendees were International colleagues. Many colleagues from London, Germany, Brazil and Argentina joined the session. The Innovation Committee made sure to give the colleagues a warm welcome by introducing Jong Rabo and the committee. During the quiz, there was also time for a short introduction to the leader of the scoreboard. A digital quiz might not be the same as a real event, but let’s try to get the best out of it and take this opportunity to expand our network. We get much energy from colleagues, including the global regions within our Jong Rabo network. Let’s work together to contribute to one bank, one network!
The International Hub
@Tessa @Saulo @Karin