7 jun. 2024
13:00 uur
Boerderij van de Toekomst, Lelystad
Sustainable Future commissie

Join us on an amazing tour around the “Boerderij van de Toekomst”  


Are you ready for an extraordinary adventure? Join us on an exclusive tour to the Boerderij van de Toekomst (Farm of the Future) near Lelystad. This innovative farm is where Technology, Agriculture and research from Wageningen University converge, creating a dynamic space for groundbreaking solutions. The goal is to make circular agriculture a practical reality! How cool is that ?!

The day consist of 3 parts:

  • A presentation in which we will be told more about this project;
  • A tour around the Fieldlab: this is a 60-acre farming field, where innovations in advanced stages are developed and tested;
  • A tour around the ‘’Proeftuin Agro-ecologie and technologie’’: this is an 80-hectare area of polder clay where they stimulate biodiversity and create room for experiments, From robotics to sensor technology, explore the intersection of nature and innovation!

More information on the farm and their research can be found on their website: Homepage - Boerderij van de toekomst (farmofthefuture.nl)


Practical Details:

  • Departure: We’ll set off from Croeselaan at 11:45. Currently, we have 3 confirmed cars, but we’re seeking 1-2 more drivers. If you have a car and are willing to drive, please let us know!
  • Tour Duration: The tour promises to be an enriching experience and will conclude around 16:00. After, we will drive back to Croeselaan.
  • No-Show fee: If you cancel after the 31/05, you will be charged a no-show fee of 20 euro's


Are you as excited as we are? Don’t hesitate to sign-up! There are only 25 spots available!

Aanvang: vrijdag 7 juni 2024 om 13:00
Organiserende commissie Sustainable Future commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: dinsdag 9 april 2024 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: donderdag 6 juni 2024 om 12:00

Boerderij van de Toekomst - Edelhertweg 1, 8219 PH Lelystad

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