23 mei 2023
15:00 uur
Rabobank Utrecht, Leidseveer, Utrecht

Reverse coaching program 2023

Are you interested in personal development, gaining new experiences and curious about what is top of mind of our more senior colleagues? Then the Reverse Coaching program might be an interesting experience for you!


The Reverse Coaching program (before reverse mentoring) is an initiative from Young Rabo for which we are looking for enthusiastic Young Rabo members who want to participate in a unique coaching experience! The program has been a big success over the last few years. Therefore we are glad to announce that this program will continue to be organized this year.


With the Reverse Coaching program we will match you, “as a junior”, with senior colleagues (scale ≥11) for a unique coaching experience. But there is a twist: The “senior” will not be coaching you, but you will coach the “senior”!

In multiple coaching sessions, you have the opportunity to ask surprising questions to provide your matched coachee/senior with new insights and help him/her with a personal or work-related coaching topic. Next to that, we encourage them to share their top-of-mind thoughts, decisions to be made and daily activities and or dilemmas with you. 


Interested? Excited? Enthusiastic?

Please sign-up for the kick-off event and you will be matched with a senior colleague (scale ≥11) from one of the many departments within the bank. We strive to make a unique match for everyone (outside your domain).


Summary of Reverse coaching program 2023 and kick-off event


23 May kick-off event at Leidseveer office in Utrecht (Tribune) (Mandatory!):

  • 15:00 Welcome and introduction to coaching “How to coach” by a professional coach
  • 16:30 Walk-in for all coachees (seniors)
  • 16:45 Opening by Janine Vos
  • 17:00 Announcement of the matches - Coaches (juniors) with Coachees (seniors)
  • +- 17:30 – 19:00 Informal drinks to get-to-know your match



End of May – End of November:

  • Five coaching sessions of 1 hour with the coach and coachee, to be scheduled on own initiative.
  • Extra knowledge session on “how to coach” for the coaches (exact date t.b.d.)
  • Sharing experiences and tips and tricks with fellow coaches in smaller groups (details will follow)


22 November (will be confirmed later) Closing event

A detailed schedule will follow



The Kick-off event is mandatory for both the Coach and the Coachee!


In case of any questions please reach out to the organisation: Bas Herbes, Niels van den Brink and/or Benjamin Blaschke


Please watch the video below to get a glimpse of Reverse coaching!

How reverse mentorship can help create better leaders

Aanvang: dinsdag 23 mei 2023 om 15:00
Organiserende commissie Bestuur
Inschrijven vanaf: maandag 3 april 2023 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: dinsdag 9 mei 2023 om 18:00

Rabobank Utrecht, Leidseveer - Leidseveer 50, Utrecht

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