15 mrt. 2021
17:00 uur
In your own neighbourhood,

Hi fellow Jong Rabo'ers,


Join us in the Raiffeisen Estafette Challenge!

Raiffeisen Estafette Challenge - join us now and learn more about our Rabobank history!

For 4 weeks we will together try to reach 1895KM (the year Rabobank was founded).

You can walk, run, bike, sleigh, ice skate, skeeler, swim, sail or join with any other sport you prefer.


Each of us can choose their own amount of kilometers to add to the challenge and we will update this in our own TEAMS page.


On 1 March 17:00h we will all come together for an inspiring story about the history of the Rabobank and to see how far we got already. You will also receive more information about the challenge. You are also welcome to join this session without joining the rest of the challenge. 

On 15 March 17:00h we will shortly come together and celebrate the reached results.


Are you ready to make some kilometers and do our Rabo founders proud?

Join the challenge on any moment between now and 14 March 21:00h.


Good luck and we are looking forward to see you on the 1st of March!


Aanvang: maandag 15 maart 2021 om 17:00
Organiserende commissie Sportcommissie
Inschrijven vanaf: donderdag 11 februari 2021 om 16:00
Inschrijven t/m: zondag 14 maart 2021 om 21:00

In your own neighbourhood - ,

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