17 apr. 2020
16:00 uur
Sustainable Future commissie

Are you looking for some distraction from work and for the possibility to support your locals? The innovation commission has the solution for you. We would like to invite you for the TGIF-online at home- innovation quiz! Grab yourself a drink and together we will virtual meet for the quiz with Rabobank and Rabobank innovation questions.

The quiz will be organized through Teams and Kahoot. It is the perfect Friday afternoon activity to see each other again, learn, start the weekend but most importantly, support your locals. The Corona-virus not only affects us, it also affects our clients. We from the Innovation Commission want to give something back and that is why the winners will receive a local price in order to help those who struggle.


Aanvang: vrijdag 17 april 2020 om 16:00
Organiserende commissie Sustainable Future commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: woensdag 8 april 2020 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: vrijdag 17 april 2020 om 15:00

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