'Order! Order!' Who doesn't remember those movies from the House of Commons in the UK?
From the Sustainability & Innovation committee, we present: House of Commons Rabobank-style! With in-house themes, moderator and drinks in the Old Dutch afterwards.
In similar fashion, we'll have a theme which guide the theses we'll discuss: Can sustainability be paired with (economic) growth? Based on this theme, we have devised the following theses to be debated:
For clarity, also in Dutch -> Stellingen:
It is not necessary to extensively prepare and research these theses. All that is needed is an opinion and a sharp (and open) mind!
This debate will encompass three of the theses, in three sessions of 20 minutes. Which theses will be discussed depends on the participants and the moderator. We will summarize the results and share them later. After the debates, we invite you to have drink and further discuss at the Old Dutch!
First drink in the Old Dutch is on us. We hope to see you there!
Sustainability & Innovation Committee.
PS: From the onset the debate will be in English, unless everyone speaks Dutch and this would aid the debate.
Aanvang: | donderdag 8 juni 2023 om 16:30 |
Organiserende commissie | Sustainable Future commissie |
Inschrijven vanaf: | dinsdag 23 mei 2023 om 12:00 |
Inschrijven t/m: | donderdag 8 juni 2023 om 15:00 |
Purple - Arena - Croeselaan - Croeselaan,