6 okt. 2022
18:00 uur
25th floor, Utrecht

On October 6th we invite you to celebrate our 25th Lustrum with us and our partners! 

We promise an evening full of good memories, throwbacks to the past 25 years of Jong Rabo, together with food, drinks and the amazing view from the 25th floor of the Croeselaan. 

Looking forward to seeing you there!

The program:

18:00 Welcome!

18:15 The program starts (we're keeping this a surprise for now)

19:45 End of the program, but you're welcome to stay a little longer to network and get drinks with us all

Aanvang: donderdag 6 oktober 2022 om 18:00
Organiserende commissie Lustrumcommissie
Inschrijven vanaf: woensdag 22 juni 2022 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: woensdag 5 oktober 2022 om 12:00

25th floor - Croeselaan 18, Utrecht

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