4 mrt. 2021
16:00 uur
Microsoft Teams,
Sustainable Future commissie

At least once a week, you hear the news talk about Blockchain, sometimes in relation with cryptocurrencies (e.g. Bitcoin). Ever wondered what it actually is and if there is more? To lift a tip of the veil  – there is more, like: Tokenization. There are many possibilities with tokenization and as Rabobank we are exploring them. Would you like to know more about Blockchain and the application of tokens? Please join us for this session to learn: 

  • Introduction Blockchain technology
  • Introduction to Tokenization
  • Possibilities and use cases around the world
  • Use cases Rabobank is currently working on
  • Questions

Note: to attend the second session, you're required to attend this session 

Aanvang: donderdag 4 maart 2021 om 16:00
Organiserende commissie Sustainable Future commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: woensdag 3 februari 2021 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: donderdag 4 maart 2021 om 12:00

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