8 dec. 2020
09:00 uur
Online via Teams,

Future of work is now. Because you, as many of us, are probably working from home. You, as many of us, might be struggling with this ’new’ situation. And you, like many of us, have ideas on what we can do to make this ’new’ situation better. Because even once this ’new’ situation will end, we will again enter into a new future of work which we can and will help shape. 

On December 8th we will touch upon the above topics with our own CHRO Janine Vos, who is in the lead of directing what will be the future Rabobank workplace. During the session we will share our perspective as young colleagues on working from home and all the opportunities and challenges it provides. We welcome all to contribute to and learn from the discussion, and ask you to bring all your wild ideas on how we could make the future of work as amazing as possible.

Aanvang: dinsdag 8 december 2020 om 09:00
Organiserende commissie Springtij*
Inschrijven vanaf: woensdag 28 oktober 2020 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: maandag 7 december 2020 om 12:00

Online via Teams - ,

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