23 okt. 2020
14:00 uur

Registration is open!  – FLAIRS 2020: Relapse and Recovery

Clear your agenda on Friday 23 October 14:00 – 15:30 for the (digital) 2020 edition of FLAIRS! 

FLAIRS brings young bankers together - even in times of social distancing. For the first time ever FLAIRS will be organised as a digital live event. 
The 2020 edition of FLAIRS will reflect on the impact of and the response to the corona crisis. This will be done in a 1,5 hour talkshow where we will discuss current problems on the matter of Sustainability, Diversity, Innovation and Strategy.

We have put together a diverse and exciting panel featuring among others:

Karl Guha - CEO Van Lanschot-Kempen
Dennis Dijkstra - CEO FlowTraders
Tom van der Lee - Member of Parliament Groenlinks
Tjeerd Krumpelman - Global head of advisory, reporting & engagement / Group Sustainability
Sandra Schoonhoven - Director Sustainability ING
Jahkini Bisselink - Next Generation Keynote Speaker / Former UN Youth Representative
James Knightly - Chief International Economist ING

Join now to see a live and lively debate and participate freely to the discussion! 

If you are unfamiliar with FLAIRS:

  • FLAIRS is the biggest interbank event in the Netherlands organized by and for young professionals;
  • FLAIRS is hosted by the youth associations of Van Lanschot Kempen, ABN-AMRO, ING, Rabobank and De Volksbank.
  • For the first time the event – including interaction between the experts and the audience - is hosted digitally this year

The language of the event will be English. More information on the program and registration will follow soon.

We will see you there!

The FLAIRS Committee

Aanvang: vrijdag 23 oktober 2020 om 14:00
Organiserende commissie FLAIRS-commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: vrijdag 2 oktober 2020 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: woensdag 21 oktober 2020 om 19:00

Digital - ,

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