17 mrt. 2022
17:00 uur
Utrecht Croeselaan, Utrecht
Cooperative Impact Commissie


Unclear of how to contribute to the cooperative mindset? Sign up for below event and discover how easily your own knowledge and awareness can help towards manifesting the cooperative goal of  financial stability.


Rabobank puts the cooperative in the spotlight this year by creating awareness towards an open dialogue about financial health and the insecurities surrounding that subject. For the cooperative this means to facilitate towards - a better financial you. On the 17th of March, the Cooperative Impact Committee will zoom into this topic and the importance of it contributing to the Cooperative mindset.

We as Young Professionals working at Rabobank might see this as a distant topic, yes we are currently spending a bit too much in restaurants but in general we have a good understanding on how to be financially conscious. However, there are a lot of people (even perhaps in your own circle) that lack the knowledge and are far from being financially stable and healthy.


To enthuse you about this we have invited, Marianne Bruijn, Brand Specialist within Rabobank and leader in the campaign to open the dialogue of financial health. She is delighted to enlighten us about the role of the cooperative and YOU can make a difference. Marianne has just published a book regarding this topic, “The Female Fix”, on how women should (re)gain financial independence and control as this is not a given fact. We assure that the “Female Fix” will inspire you to spread the word for financial stability. But that is not all.. Want to hear from an experienced Schuldhulpmaatje about his personal stories of helping people and be inspired to give back to society in this way?

You can help us in Growing a Better World Together through your cooperative mindset by inspiring people in need of this knowledge!


Sign up now and help us “Grow a stable financial society together”.


The event will be hosted at the office and closed with cooperative drinks!

Aanvang: donderdag 17 maart 2022 om 17:00
Organiserende commissie Cooperative Impact Commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: vrijdag 25 februari 2022 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: donderdag 17 maart 2022 om 12:00

Utrecht Croeselaan - Croeselaan 18, 3521 CB Utrecht

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