22 jun. 2020
14:00 uur
Microsoft Teams,

Everyone eats locally and it is sufficient to feed the world

Where are we now:
Many of us eat food after it has crossed seas and continents, while millions of other people still go hungry

How can Rabobank create impact throughout Food chains and support the poorest farmers globally?

This is a topic key to the mission of the Rabo Foundation. Pim Mol Head of the Rabo Foundation, will join us for this session to discuss the challenges we face globally in trying to address food security while trying to consume locally and reduce our carbon footprint?

Netherlands and the rest of the “West” are big export markets for some of the world’s poorest farmers, if we choose to eat local, where does that leave them?

We will dive deeper into this topic during our digital session, so we look forward to your attendance.

0-10mins - Intro event, Pim and the group
10-20mins - Pim about the role of Rabo Foundation in Rabobank’s vision for Food and Agir supply chains
20-40mins - Mentimeter (Jong Rabo Participants sharing their views)
40-50mins - Open Q&A
50-60 mins - Closing

Aanvang: maandag 22 juni 2020 om 14:00
Organiserende commissie Springtij*
Inschrijven vanaf: dinsdag 9 juni 2020 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: vrijdag 19 juni 2020 om 12:00

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