27 jan. 2022
17:00 uur

Everything you want to know about Percipio

Since the summer of 2021, we have an amazing new learning platform called Percipio within Rabobank. Percipio is a global online learning platform that gives you access to an extensive library of different types of interesting learning content, such as business and personal development, desktop software, leadership development and IT. But you can also use Percipio to easily learn a new skill, to break through your own patterns and to discover whether a new direction is right for you. And all of this without using your development budget!

Some of you may have already accessed Percipio, some of you may not. We know from experience that at first it can be a little overwhelming. Questions like ‘Where do I start?’ or ‘How do I find interesting content for my personal or professional interests?’ arise. Or maybe you’re encountering a totally different issue?


These questions, and many more, will be answered by our Percipio experts on the 27th of January. We will:

* Help you log-in for the first time (for those who don’t have an account yet)

* Show you where to find relevant courses

* Demonstrate how the Percipio app in MS Teams can make finding and sharing knowledge even easier

* AND, there will be plenty of room to ask all your own questions, so that we can all call ourselves Percipio pros afterwards


Sign up quickly so you can enjoy a Rabo lifetime of free learning!

Aanvang: donderdag 27 januari 2022 om 17:00
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Inschrijven vanaf: maandag 3 januari 2022 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: donderdag 27 januari 2022 om 14:00

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