13 mei 2022
08:30 uur
Croeselaan, Utrecht, Utrecht

Welcome to the new world

The pandemic led to a lot of change in everyone’s lives. No aspect of life remained the same, but what will become the new normal? And will there even be a new normal? Or will everything go back to how it was? During the Jong Rabo Congress we want to discuss what became the new norm regarding different aspects of life. Mostly we want to convey a positive message, about the opportunities the new normal might offers or the benefits that going back to normal will give.

We will start the day with a kick-off and presentation by Janine Vos on the future of work. Afterwards you will get the opportunity to participate in two of four break-out sessions. Here you have the chance to engage in interactive discussions and gain a variety of insights on different industries!

Before the lunch break José Woldering will discuss the changes of the last two years within the entertainment industry, as well as the upcoming trends in this field. Alternatively you can participate in the session revolving around the Dutch housing market hosted by two colleagues from the Rabo SmartBuilds. In the presentation Korrein Volders (Financial Manager SmartBuilds) and Hans-Hugo Smit (sector analyst real estate) will provide insight in how temporary housing could both alleviate the current housing problem and provide flexibility in a changing world.

After a tasty lunch break we move on to the next two break-out sessions. Tanja van der Lippe (Utrecht University) will, together with you, try to answer the question: where does all the time go? In this session she will explain why we are so busy nowadays, and why the Covid-19 pandemic and working from home didn’t change that, as well as providing some useful tips on how to cope with time pressure. In the simultaneous session Jan Nieuweboer hosts an interactive session on hybrid working. Participants in this session are going to explore some opportunity spaces for decreasing complexity. Let's harness our collective intelligence around creating an even greater place to work!

Our final speaker of the day is Karim Benammar. Together with you Karim will attempt to answer three questions linked to the ‘New Normal’.  In this interactive keynote, we will use the pandemic as a springboard for fundamental change, and see how we can each individually shape the future to grow a better world together.

We will end the day with drinks and networking at Tivoli!’

Note: You don't have to take this day off. If your manager has questions about this, please contact the board. 

Aanvang: vrijdag 13 mei 2022 om 08:30
Organiserende commissie Congrescommissie
Inschrijven vanaf: woensdag 6 april 2022 om 09:00
Inschrijven t/m: maandag 9 mei 2022 om 17:00

Croeselaan, Utrecht - , Utrecht

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