19 mrt. 2024
16:30 uur
Utrecht Croeselaan, Utrecht

Life is all about the journey. A lot of people will tell you to choose your own path. Some will say to choose the path less traveled. And we would like to help you with one of your paths in this life. Your career path!

Whether you know exactly where your next destination is but don’t know how to get there yet or if you are struggling to turn your goals into a career path?
Whether you have a clear idea about your work future, or if you are not too sure which step to take next, the Career Specialists at CareerHub are happy to help you on your way.

During this interactive workshop, you’ll be given information about the CareerHub, how to manage your own career path, and be introduced to all the tools and facilities to get started!


Please note! You can unsubscribe via the website until March 15th 2024, after this a no-show fee of €5,- euros applies.

Aanvang: dinsdag 19 maart 2024 om 16:30
Organiserende commissie GROW!-commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: dinsdag 5 maart 2024 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: zondag 17 maart 2024 om 18:00

Utrecht Croeselaan - Croeselaan 18, Utrecht

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