11 nov. 2021
18:00 uur
Bison Bowling, Utrecht

Finally, the Bowling borrel is BACK!

Dear JongRabo’ers, after almost two years of waiting, the Sportcommissie is finally back with the Bowling borrel! On November 11th, from 18 to 20hrs, we have rented all the bowling lanes at Bison bowling in Utrecht, to trow some balls and drink as much beer as you want. Wait, what? Yes, you hear that correctly – there is an open bar with unlimited drinks! So don’t wait, sign up now and make sure to tell your Jong Rabo friends! See you all there!

What? The Jong Rabo Bowling borrel

Where? Bison Bowling, Mariaplaats 13A Utrecht (5 min walk from our Croeselaan office)

Included: Two hours of bowling, unlimited drinks and of course, bittergarnituur!

IMPORTANT: This event can obviously only take place if the government rules allow us to.  Currently, Bison Bowling has broaden the capacity to 60. Due to the governement rules, you need to show a QR code if you want to join this activity. 

Aanvang: donderdag 11 november 2021 om 18:00
Organiserende commissie Sportcommissie
Inschrijven vanaf: donderdag 19 augustus 2021 om 10:00
Inschrijven t/m: donderdag 11 november 2021 om 17:00

Bison Bowling - Mariaplaats 13A, Utrecht

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