27 jun. 2022
17:00 uur
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Sustainable Future commissie

Bees are responsible for pollinating approximately 70% of crops worldwide. But health problems in bee colonies threaten their survival and by extension, ours. Crops rely on pollinators and without them, it will get harder to feed our growing population.

BeeHero is a U.S based company that built a cutting-edge platform with low-cost sensors that can easily be set up in beehives. This solution will provide data to achieve a specific goal: “increasing crop yield and quality while enhancing pollinator health”.  

In this session, CEO Omer Davidi and VP Business Development Craig McMurray, will explain what BeeHero does and why their work is so important.


Do you have questions for Omer & Craig or do you want to know more about BeeHero? 
Register below for the event on 27th of June at 17u! 


Aanvang: maandag 27 juni 2022 om 17:00
Organiserende commissie Sustainable Future commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: vrijdag 6 mei 2022 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: vrijdag 24 juni 2022 om 12:00

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