24 mei 2022
16:00 uur
Utrecht Croeselaan, Bakkerij (Plein), Utrecht
Meet Your Company!

"One in ten European banks to disappear over the next 5 years’’ – AT. Kearney

"Banking is necessary, Banks are not’’ – Bill Gate


The world around us is changing and constantly evolving. Up and coming technologies are pushing automated payments across different segments; Tesla – enabling automated parking, Apple - payments with the apple watch. If we don’t evolve to enable these technologies, we run the risk of losing out on competitors. As a bank, we must play the role of a promoter, instead of a barrier to these innovations through open banking.

Did you know that Rabobank was the first bank to enable open banking services in the Netherlands? BaaS( Banking as a service) is the future of financial services. BaaS fuels Open Banking by opening up our banking and payment technologies to third party vendors. This enables collaboration with FinTech companies to create innovative digital banking solutions for our customers. These solutions can be as simple as a mortgage calculator on a real estate website to allow instant payments to your insurance provider.

On May 24th our colleagues from BaaS and the Meet Your Company committee join forces to facilitate an activity to give you a taste of the future of banking! The session kicks-off with an introduction to banking-as-a-service hosted by Area Lead Dieuwertje de Rover. Next you get to work in groups in a pressure-cooker SharkTank, in which you will work as a strategy consultant on a real life challenge of the BaaS department. Finally, you get to pitch your ideas to the BaaS department. If that doesn’t boost up your motivation yet; the group with the best pitch will win an exciting prize from BaaS J Finally, we close off the activity in style with BaaS (borrel-as-a-service) to make a toast on the future of Rabobank.


See you there!


WHEN: May 24th 16.00-18.00hr

WHERE: Croeselaan office

WHAT: introduction to Banking-as-a-Service, SharkTank, and drinks!


Aanvang: dinsdag 24 mei 2022 om 16:00
Organiserende commissie Meet Your Company!
Inschrijven vanaf: vrijdag 6 mei 2022 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: maandag 23 mei 2022 om 12:00

Utrecht Croeselaan, Bakkerij (Plein) - Croeselaan 18, Utrecht

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