11 apr. 2023
17:00 uur
Old Dutch,
Afterwork commissie

Hi All,


The moment we have all been waiting for.. After a full year of renovation, silence and despair the Old Dutch is back. 

And.. After Work Committee will offcourse not let this be left unnoticed. Let us celebrate their comeback in Jong Rabo style. 

So join us for some (cheap beers) and Eurest finest snacks in the Old Dutch on the 11th of April at 17:00! Get ready to make some new memories. After Work will provide sufficient entertainment to cater for this. 


Do we even need to say more? Well, about those beers and snacks: the first few rounds are included once you subscribe to this event. So be quick and secure your spot. 


See you "after work". 

Aanvang: dinsdag 11 april 2023 om 17:00
Organiserende commissie Afterwork commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: dinsdag 14 maart 2023 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: dinsdag 4 april 2023 om 12:00

Old Dutch - ,

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